How to stop Masturbation

It is possible to overcome the addiction to pornography and masturbationHere are some tips to overcoming masturbation.

All addictions have a very similar functioning in our body and mind and it is important that the addict know this so that he can handle the difficulties that the addiction causes. Masturbation is a real problem though some are saying it a normal sexual behavior. I wonder how they come about that. Because if it were to be normal as they claim then those who practice shouldn’t be suffering. Masturbation has lots of implication; health, spiritual,psychological, emotional and physical. The greatest favor one can do for him/herself is to overcome.

Recognize that you have a problem.
Generally, no one likes to admit that they have this problem; Most of them keep it a secret since it is more difficult to overcome or to let people know. The first thing you have to do is to recognize that you have a problem and you need to have the courage to think and also say that masturbation is an evil you need to overcome. Masturbation addiction may not be recognized as a disease in some countries, but abroad it is treated as an addiction and can receive treatment properly. You may often hear arguments that try to defend it by saying that it is a harmless behavior, but it is not so. Just take a look at what it has turned you and others into if it were to be harmless as they say, will many be seeking for help just to overcome it. If you suffer from masturbation, you deserve to be helped, to find a solution to your problem. Recognizing that masturbation is a disease that must be dealt with and it is the first step towards solving the problem and improvement.

Have a strong will to overcome
The only force that can control the powerful energy of your sexuality is your firm and determined will because it is a deep and inner personal force.
Getting what you want takes willpower, whether it means you doing something or others doing things for you. To succeed, this means first you must know what you want. Then you must be determined to get it, even in the face of extreme difficulties. Greater will is needed when there are obstructions. Morality depends greatly on the power of will. Not ignorance but weakness is the cause of a great deal of the immorality that prevails in the world today. The key to everything lies in forming your will. If you do not want something very much, then the will to succeed is likely to be weak.  On the other hand, if you have a strong desire, then you will be more likely to persist. There is a saying ‘Where there's a will, there's a way. So to overcome masturbation you need to be willing and determined to make a leap over masturbation. Greater will is needed when there are obstructions.

Self-discipline is about your ability to control your desires and impulses in an attempt to stay focused on what needs to get done to successfully achieve that goal. Habits that we’ve had for years and even decades are the neural pathways that have been etched in our brains. So with habits like masturbation, it becomes hard for those who are not self-disciplined to overcome. Note that self-discipline is a learned behavior. It requires practice and repetition in your day-to-day life. Your thoughts. Your emotions. Your behaviors. And your habits. All of them must be kept in check.  At the very heart of any successful person or individual, is self-discipline. Whether it’s success in their personal lives or their professional lives, it all starts with an inherent ability for self-control through discipline.  With self-discipline most anything is possible.”

Get busy
IT VERY important that you do not keep yourself ideal because the devil gives work to the ideal hand. To overcome masturbation it very necessary to get busy. What is it you want to accomplish in life? What can you do that has a lasting impact on yourself, and your career? Set personal goals and pursue them. Explore new projects. Choose a skill that needs sharpening, and challenge yourself to get better at it. You can take courses in something that you’re interested in. Hang out with friends and family. Nothing’s better than quality time with our friends and family. You can even take dance classes or workout classes to keep busy and also stay in great shape. Whether you like to draw, play instruments, or write, do whatever makes you happy in order to keep yourself busy.  It is a great way to keep yourself busy and also build confidence. Keeping yourself busy can also involve your personal hobbies. These are ways to ease your mind and suppress the edge to masturbate, by keeping yourself busy.

Stop viewing pornography.
The dependence on pornography affects unmarried and married, regardless of age and socio-economic level. It is prevalent in men - it is estimated that 70% of porn users are male. Our sexual area gives us great pleasure and, when we stimulate it, these mechanisms of reward provoke delicious sensations. The body starts to want more and more of that pleasure and you start getting addicted to it, wishing, if possible, have that feeling of well-being at all times. It is at that moment that the imbalances that harm us take place.
You want to stop masturbating then you have to put an end to porn. You know how porn is coming into your life. You have to get rid of the porn you have. Throw away the discs, magazines, anything you have used as pornography, erase erotic files on your computer and on mobile and unsubscribe from porn websites. You need to have a porn blocker and accountability software like Covenant Eyes on your phone and computer at home, and at the office.

Seek help. 
When you trying to get rid of masturbation and you find the task to be very difficult to do alone, or it is causing a lot of stress. Do not be so presumptuous to think that you can or should do it yourself.  Talk to friends about the addiction and ask others for help. You may be surprised that they used to suffer earlier and have managed to come out. But share with someone you trust and with someone who, in your opinion, is ready to support you in this lifestyle change. Seek expert help from therapists and psychologists. Therapy is very important, especially when you have suffered from depression, anxiety, or sexual or physical abuse before.

Get religious or spiritual help
If you are a member of any faith, religion or simply believe in God, go to Him when it is difficult to deal with the problem you have. There are two main faces in the battle to overcome addiction in any addiction especial that of sexuality. The spiritual and the physical dimension. This could be self-made or demonic and therefore it becomes necessary that you look for a spiritual help. If you believe in Christ and you are struggling with masturbation there is hope and help. Whether it spiritual or physical Christ has the power to set free and heal. All you have to do is to make sure that you have truly placed your trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior and commit yourself to him in prayer. You can talk to your spiritual leader to help you in prayer

All of these advice are good and applicable to anyone who embarks on the journey to recovery. However, the most important resource you will have will be perseverance as this will take time, relapse and much learning, but in the end, it will all be worth it when you regain your ability to control your impulses, emotions, and decisions.



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