Early Pregnancy Symptoms, Signs, and Stages.

Pregnancy is the period or time of conception where the sperm of a male fertilizes the egg of a female. The fertilized egg of the female will then move or travels down the fallopian tube and then implanted in the uterus, where the formation of placenta and embryo takes place and later the development of the fetus begins.
The state of beginning pregnant is about nine mouth which is equivalent to 40 weeks.The period of pregnancy is in three phases or periods termed trimesters. It is very difficult to tell when exactly you become pregnant. so most practitioners start counting pregnancy from the first day of your last menstrual period even though, of course, by then you were not pregnant. The first day of your last menstrual period is typically about two weeks before you ovulated and conceived your baby. Practitioners count from there because for most women when exactly they ovulated they either can't tell or do not know but most of them do know when their last menstrual period started. So in order to give all pregnancies some standard timing, most practitioners use the first day of your last menstrual period as the starting point of your 40-weeks pregnancy.

General Symptoms of pregnancy
May include missed periods, tender breasts, nausea and vomiting, hunger, and frequent urination. The fact that you are experiencing these signs is not a guaranty that you are pregnant. It is best to run a Pregnancy test to confirm you suspicions.

When and how your child develops.
During sexual intercourse, the meal may release anywhere from 100 million to 300 million sperm in a single ejaculation.  But only one of those sperm will successfully achieve the fertilization process. In fertilization process timing is very important if the sperms get to the site of fertilization too early, they risk of dying before the egg shows up is high. Too late, and the egg will be out of site or reach.
This is why the sperm must meet the egg during ovulation in order for the egg to be in the right place for pregnancy to occur. This means that couples should have sex during or just before ovulation to give the expectant parents the best chance of pregnancy. Sperm present in the semen swim their way through the cervix into the uterus, then from the uterus to the Fallopian tubes, where an ovulated egg is waiting for fertilization which forms a zygote. The fertilized egg or the zygote starts to divide rapidly. Within a week the embryo implants itself into the uterine lining, causing pregnancy.

First Trimesters
The first trimester which is about three mouth or 12 weeks usually starts from the first week of conception to the 12th week of pregnancy. Within the first 4 weeks, the embryo stars to develop some physical features. The head, arms, legs, and some other vital parts would have developed. The development of the liver and the digestive system start at this point. Getting to the latter part of the first 4weeks the embryo divides in to two parts one part forming the placenta and the other the fetus. The placenta provides the needed nutrient and oxygen to facilitate the growth of the developing baby. It very important to observe healthy lifestyle at this stage, the use of tobacco and alcohol should be completely avoided and healthy diet should be maintained. Within the 5th - 12th week the nervous system begins to develop, arms and legs become visible. At this point, the heart begins to pump and the cartilaginous skeleton is replaced by bone cells. By the end of the week 12, the major blood vessels and the roof of the mouth are almost completed and a more recognizable figure begins to take shape.As at this time the major external and internal organs are now beginning to develop. The heart starts to pump and the kidney also become functional.
During this period the mother may go through some changes.

Some physical changes or symptoms that occurs at this point
Extreme tiredness
Weight gain or loss
Breasts become swollen and tender.
The nipples will stick out.
Morning sickness
Cravings for certain foods
Mood swings
Urinating very frequently 

Second trimester weeks 13-27 which is the second trimester, it’s most comfortable period for majority of pregnant women. At this period all organs are now fully formed. The baby grows at a faster rate during this period. Metabolic process like urinating starts at this period. The fetus can hear and has established sleep-wake cycles. By the end of this period the mother may feel her baby move, and by the help of a stethoscope, the mother can hear the heartbeat. This is usually around week 20.For the pregnant mother, there is a rise in energy and her abdomen will start to look pregnant, as the uterus grow rapidly in size. Most of the early pregnancy symptoms will gradually disappear, and you can enjoy a more relaxed life. The baby at this trimester would almost be four times as big as it was at the end of the first trimester. During this period the pregnant mother may experience a number of changes. You might find yourself growing more appetite, and your weight gain will accelerate. You may also experience leg cramps and heartburn. Other symptoms that might show up could be nasal congestion, varicose veins, and backaches, line on the skin running from belly button to pubic hairline abdomen area, darkening of the skin around the nipples, Stretch marks on your breasts, thighs. Some body parts of the baby (heart lungs kidney brain) at this point can be examined an anatomy ultrasound scan can be used to check if they are working all right. At this point, you might as well scan to see the sex of your baby. At this period avoid restrictive clothing but rather invest in maternity wear and eat healthy, nutrient-dense foods.

Third trimesters
The third trimesters start from the 28th week to the day of delivery. In other words, your third trimester lasts from month 7 through month 9 of pregnancy. During this point, the baby grows and takes up space in the uterus. Any baby born within this trimesters there is high chances of survival. At this point, baby moves into the head-down position. At this trimester your doctor will run a number of tests just to make sure you and the baby are in a good condition. About 50 percent of all delivery cases turn out to come late. But you’ll be officially considered overdue once you reach week 42 of pregnancy and at this point, if it doesn’t begin on its own your doctor will induce labor.At this trimester you baby is fast growing changes will occur in your baby It is advised that you eat nutritious foods to help the baby develop well. The baby’s digestive system will be fully developed, cartilage transforms to the bone, develop firm and opaque skin, the brain also develop and all the five senses develop. Many women find breathing difficult, Lack of bladder control, Fatigue hemorrhoids, Crazy dreams, Abdominal achiness, Clumsiness, Heartburn, Stretch marks and varicose veins. These symptoms are as a result of the baby getting bigger and this is putting more pressure on your organs (Labor contractions, lightening, and water breaking)
 As your due date nears it’s advised that you stay in relatively close proximity to your doctor or midwife in case you go into early labor. The third trimester is a good time to educate yourself about labor and delivery. Read more about why and how to breastfeed before baby arrives and you can as well l Learn about the stages of labor.




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