How to Sell your Product

1. Get to know the customer needs.Consult customers.  Have a questionnaire in the shop, start an online survey or ask your customer directly on your own website or in a personal conversation. Observe customers. You can look at  your customers personally while  doing the purchases or look at your sales statistics.

2. Solve the most urgent problems of your customers: Sit down and ask yourself what makes my client have sleepless nights.  Your customer would like a solution to his "old" problems.  When does the problem occur most frequently and how exactly does it occur? What problems are causing the greatest suffering for my client? What service can I offer to solve the problem? How can I make the life of my cherish client easier and better? What is the biggest problem for many parents who want to go shopping with their children? Children do not feel like or they experience shopping as stress. The questions are endless just find solution to your customer’s most pressing need and you will be smiling.

  1. The first impression is what counts. Luckily or unfortunately, the first impression is the most important thing in the business world as well as in personal life. And the first impression you give the buyer cannot be "I just want to sell this to get your money.   From the first moment you see your client, it is essential that you focus on satisfying their needs and desires. Make that first meeting a pleasant experience for the customer and this will make him convinced that you are their first and only option. How to get it? By showing them that they are important to you and that you want them to leave feeling satisfied with a product that will really help them.  

 2. Listen to your client and close your mouth. A very bad sales strategy is to tell your customer how wonderful what you sell is and without letting he or she to even open his mouth to speak about their problem. Never do this. Listen to him and let him explain to you in detail what he wants. Are you in your customers mind? No. So shut your mouth until he is done.  When your customer is done it's your turn: use all the information you've been given to introduce the benefits of your product and how it can help with the problems.

   3. Be honest and earn more than a customer. Some so-called "professional vendors" turn to lies to close a sale. Do you know what you get with that? You do not just lose a customer but you lose hundreds and you lose reputation. Think about it, if you enter a store, and the seller sells you something with deceit, what are you going to do? You will tell all your friends and families.    Even today where social networks dominate our lives, it is likely that you will post your opinion in a forum, on your own blog. And your opinion will be seen by hundreds, even thousands of people, and will remain there forever. So be careful and be honest: cheating will cause more than a sale.

  4.  know your product. If you do not believe or even know your product, how will your buyer do it? This is an essential rule that you must keep in mind at all times, even before opening the doors of your business. It is very important that you yourself know what you sell, know how it works, even try it to see its characteristics.    So you will never see yourself in the embarrassing situation that, when you are asked questions about it, you do not know how to respond. In addition, by testing its characteristics, you can find new uses of the product and other ideal situations to use it.

  5. Establish a relationship. You have a store where you sell certain products; Two streets beyond, another person has another store where he sells exactly the same as you. Why will a customer buy from you and not your competitor? The difference is in the deal and the relationship. In this world where there is so much competition, the relationship of trust, honesty, and respect with your client is the essential reason for you to thrive.  It happens  every day. I prefer to go to a specific clothing store where I know that they treat me better, tell me the truth and they are kind than another store with the same brand and the same clothes where everyone who serves me is unfriendly.

   6. Turn to desires, not needs. We all know that desire drives more to buy than our own need. As much as you need, if you do not want, do not buy. It's that easy.
The best you can do when selling a product is that the customer feels more desire to have it than need in itself. Convey what benefits your product have for the problem, but also paint a picture of pleasure in the mind of the customer and you will achieve what you want.   For example, if you have an appliance store, make them feel the thrill of having the TV you sell by imagining how much they would enjoy watching their favorite football team in a game. Or watching a good movie with their partner, without worrying about whether the device will spoil or fail at any time.

   7. Put yourself in your buyer's shoes. In business facing the public is not worth thinking that the same techniques and strategies are valid for everyone who enters your door. Each person is unique and needs a unique treatment. That's why you should always put yourself in the shoes of each of your clients and adapt to each type of personality. Do you have a buyer who talks a lot and is enthusiastic? Let him finish and show the same excitement as him. Is she a quiet and shy person? Make him comfortable with you and ask him calmly what he needs.  

   8. Make your website a real experience. Having a website where you sell does not mean that the customer can not be in contact with the product or service. To make your experience feel real, make sure to put detailed descriptions on each product, and photos with every possible detail and from various angles so visitors can see it better. This way you will awaken the interest for buyers to dare to place an order, and they will have a shopping experience very similar to buying a physical product.

  9. Keep your customers informed. In an online store, it is not enough to put in sight beautiful products and pages full of attractive colors. It is vital that you have a clear view of your contact form so that your customers can send any queries before or after placing orders. Another important element for your website is a correct order manager who sends an automatic email every time the order status changes.   Thus, your buyers will receive an email instantly when they have completed their purchase to see that everything is correct and another when you check the status of the order as shipped. If there is a problem or delay with the delivery of the package, you must notify them with an email explaining the causes. This will create confidence in them and buy again and again.  

10. Make it easy to navigate your website. Another important factor to sell a product online is that your pages should be easy to navigate. Do not enter too many elements on the home page that may mislead your visitors.  Clearly indicates where they have to click to see the products, in which section they can consult the frequently asked questions and the section of payment and shipment.  This information will be of great help to you when they enter your online store, it will be easier for them to place  orders, and it will help you provide better customer service no matter if it is through a computer.  



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