1. Spend time together
It is so beautiful to see a man and his wife holding hands and walking and smiling together. You do not need all the money in the world to achieve that. What and how you want your marriage to be depends on you both. Build your marriage together by spending quality time together. Spend more time together if it is available, and set a time to be together where you go on a date or vacation. Spend at least ten minutes together uninterrupted daily would do your marriage a lot of good. Make fun of each other crack jokes, play games together or even share stories together this will create that connective passion and closeness.

 How to save your marriage

2. Listen
Being an attentive listener is a great virtue. It is essential to learn to listen actively and express support in the daily difficulties of your partner. Marriage is created and maintained through effective communication. We need to listen with our mind and heart, not just our ears this brings about a deeper connection to each other. If you want to enjoy your marriage or want to prevent trouble in your marriage then you need to be a good listener. Healthy communication in marriage will help strengthen it greatly.

3. Express gratitude.
Do not take the little things your spouse do for granted. Remember to always say "thank you". Although you expect your partner to take out the trash, cook dinner and do the laundry, it is important that you express your appreciation whenever you can. If you would do it for a stranger, why not for your spouse? Expressing gratitude makes your partner feel loved and appreciated

4. Manage conflict.

We, humans, are imperfect and we all have our differences it completely natural. With our imperfection, we always fall short of expectation. Misunderstanding will always spring up in our marriage due to our imperfection. Marriage is never conflict-free. But what makes a successful marriage is knowing how to argue and after being able to come to a peaceful conclusion. Solving disputes and disappointment is the cornerstone of a happy marriage. The key point is this learn how to fight right, how to apologize after the fight and finding a lasting solution to the problem, is your best bet to a blissful marriage.

5.Have a forgiven heart.
The is no relationship without issues and a relationship means vulnerability. You either disappoint or be disappointed.You have no control over this matter the best you can do in painful circumstances is to have a big heart. A heart that can never be satisfied or can be filled to the brim with pain or disappointment less it explodes. Our heat should be big enough to forgive always without keeping track of the past. No matter what you do the arrow of pain and hurt will be shot at you but what will make you survive is when you have the shield of forgiveness. You must learn to forgive it important because unforgiveness breeds resentment and bitterness. Bitterness and resentment over time create hatred. Learn to forgive and forget even when your spouse refuses to apologize for an offense. Do not harbor the pain, you are hurting yourself.

6. Learn to compromise.
To compromise require that you should be patient, open minded, work as a team and above all self-sacrifice.You don’t have to agree with everything your spouse says as matter of fact it is completely impossible to be on the same page every time. This will surely bring disagreement.All you can do is to be open to considering their point of view. Learn to give up on your desires just to make your spouse have his or her way. Because you are no longer alone where you only think about yourself but you have to put your marriage above your personal interests. Learn to understand each other. Anytime there is an issue find common grounds and compromise.

 How to save your marriage

7. Love unconditionally.
Love is a verb and therefore it must be practiced. The state of accepting a person regardless of his condition or state and making the welfare of that person your priority without wanting anything in return. Married couples are to love each other unconditionally. It all about taking into account the happiness of another without any thought of what you might get for yourself. Unconditional love requires that you don’t have to look at the weakness of your spouse, you forgive your spouse anytime they offend you, you do not make your spouse feel less important or inferior, being patient and accommodating. It’s unconditional love when other people care about our happiness.

8. Acceptance
Two cannot walk to together unless they agree. Among this numerous number of people in this world, you decided to marry your spouse. You have no choice but to accept the person you have married. If you want your marriage to work, acceptance is key. Forget about your spouse’s weakness since you are married to your spouse you have married to who they are and what they are. You need to love your spouse for who they are now, not who or what you hope they will become. Marry for love and you would be a happy person.

9. Respect each other.
Every house which is not built upon a strong foundation, it will fall likewise marriage. The marital relationship can never be conflict free, but having mutual respect for each other will be a huge benefit to your relationship. Never take each other for granted. In a marriage where the is no respect for each other, it is not a healthy marriage. You are allowed to criticize but destructive criticism is dangerous to the health of your marriage. Give reverence to your spouse and do not in any way disregard  him or her because of a shortcoming. You do not have to shout to be heard when discussing issues. Do not call you spouse names, despising your partner, attacking your partner when having a discussion, abuse your partner verbally or physically or cheat on your partner all this does not show respect. If you do not place value on your partner and you always disregard their feelings they will become conceited, closed up and defensive.

10. Give each other space
Attention is very important in a marital relationship. In today’s world, women complain that their men do not give them the time and the attention they need. Yes, it might be true but  that does not mean that you should always be around your spouse and do not make sometime for yourself. It very important to give your lady attention but you know too much of everything is bad. In a relationship where you have to spend a great deal of time on your partner is wrong. If this prevents you from having time to do what interest you. In a relationship every person needs a personal space and time, which he or she will spend alone, you do not have to spend all your time and attention only on a partner.
Give each other space to do what he or she is interested in, this will help your relationship greatly.

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11. Be financially responsible.
Marriage like any other institution needs money for its upkeep. This requires that both parties need to work hard to meet its needs. Needs like paying bills, paying fees for the kids, and money for the upkeep of the home. In these challenging financial times, money is one of the top marriage stressors. Because the times are difficult both parties need to come to an agreement on how to use the little they have to meet their financial obligations. Both of you can decide to create a joint account for bills or at the end of each month both give a percentage of their salary. For the decision of having a separate or joint account is up to the two of you. But the money should be used well, avoid unnecessary purchases and secret spending.

12. Bond with each other’s family.
When you marry, your spouse family becomes your family too. You can't say you love your spouse but when it comes to his or her family you have a cold attitude towards them, it completely wrong. I know some family members can be a thorn in the flesh especially the mother in laws and the sister in laws just consider it to be one of those things. Make an effort to at least be cordial with his or her parents and siblings. Befriend them, give compliments, ask how they are doing and smile. You know some people a just annoying but you have no choice but just to love them anyway. If any of your spouse's family has wronged you make peace and find a way in your heart and forgive.



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